Lad Celebrity Lookalikes

Following a highly successful lads on tour….the countdown really is on for the party of the year down Mykonos way…if anyone ever doubted Mykono’s credentials no lad should fear after world famous Austrian Fashionista Bruno gave it the thumbs up in his latest movie saying “I suffocated a hamster in Mykonos”!

As we count the days down by jacking off senslessly to pictures of various hotties we encountered in barcelona, we would like to bring you some further material (unless your wayne gretsky, cos in that case you dont need material) to aid these times of restlessness. We would like to present to you, the lads celebrity lookalikes part 1..or rather the celebrities who try to hard to look like us lads…Enjoy!

The Prophet and Gay Basher Rapper cum white boy Slim Shady

willmnmNo one can deny the similaries between our very own Prophet and recent Bruno victim Eminem . These two not only share a certain unique physical similarity, but their personality and long history of sexual harassment law suits also go hand in hand.

Wayne Gretsky and Edward “The Incredible Hulk” Norton

wenedOk, so Edward Norton as far as we know never came into a pint of beer, but the resemblance between our very own Bruce Wayne and the star of Fight Club is uncanny. Rumour has it that Edward gains access to the worlds hottest clubs by using Wayne’s name, while Wayne often hitch-hikes using Ed’s.

SuperDry and B-Rate Hollwood Crazy Train Gary Busey

jamesbuseyGary Busey, most famous for his roles in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Lethal Weapon,  suffered severe head trama in 1988 which has left him mentally unstable. Recent events on a certain Easy Jet flight left Superdry stunned and wild-eyed which led to comparisons with Hollywoods craziest B-lister Gary.  Superdry has been known in the press to be labelled “a younger, more good looking Busey”. I’d have to agree…

Keep checkin the site for the next batch of look-a-likes you cloche-fin sympathisers!

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